Saturday, July 21, 2012

Re: Nepal's first President in the eyes of history

Dr Surya Dhungel


I am delighted that my email has succeeded to catch your attention and also succeeded to elicit a response from you. Thank you so much. With the dissolution of CA we don't have a legislature, PM has been rendered care taker and only President retains legitimacy. Therefore, people in Nepal are pinning their hopes on the President. If even he fails to perform his duty then I am apprehensive that people in Nepal will become very despondent.

If you think that someone like me should convey such message to him personally, I am even prepared to meet him.

With best regards,

Ratna Sansar

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 7:50 AM, SPS dhungel wrote:

Dear Ratna ji,

This, and such, observation will certainly be brought to his attention.

Thanks and best,


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