Saturday, July 28, 2012

RE: care taker government planning to promulgate a dozen Ordinances

July 25, 2012

To: Dr Surya Dhungel
Cc: 'Lalit Basnet'; ': Mohan Lohani'; 'Rajendra Dahal'; 'Hari Sharma'

Surya jee

We appreciate that our notes have been “taken seriously”. But country demands action not just taking things seriously. It should not be comparable with the commitments made by care taker PM, which weren’t ever implemented.

It is indeed strange that the president hasn’t even called for consensus government under article 38(1). I hope that president isn’t waiting for the resignation of care taker PM. I take that the president is aware that PM becomes care taker upon tendering of resignation or ceasing to be a member of CA pursuant to article 38(7) and a PM that has become care taker on account of ceasing to be a member (and already declared care taker PM by the president himself) of CA doesn’t need to resign.

It has already been about 2 months (it will be exactly 2 months in another 4 days!) and president is yet to perform his duty under article 38(1). It might go down in history as dereliction of duty (I am not sure whether it amounts to अकर्मण्यता or being कर्तब्यच्यूत) on the part of first president of Nepal. However, as a concerned citizen of this country I am not too concerned about how will the president will be remembered by the posterity (he should be concerned about it) but I am concerned about the double transition that is ever deepening and care taker PM’s intentions to perpetuate the “state capture” on one pretext (consensus about outstanding issues of constitutions) or other (other parties should agree to hold CA election).

Hope president will be rescue our motherland from deepening double transition urgently.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: SPS dhungel []
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 11:17
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Cc: Lalit Basnet; ': Mohan Lohani'; 'Rajendra Dahal'; 'Hari Sharma'
Subject: Re: care taker government planning to promulgate a dozen Ordinances

Dear Ratna ji,

Dr. Mohan Lohani's and your notes have been shared with colleagues in the office and taken them seriously.

Thanks for the views and genuine concerns shared with the concerned.


Surya .


Surya Dhungel, LLM, PhD
Attorney at Law,
Nepal Consulting Lawyers Inc
New Plaza, Ramshah Path, Kathmandu

Tel: 4445210/4410624 (O)
Tel: 977 1 4413 942 (R)

--- On Sun, 22/7/12, Ratna Sansar Shrestha wrote:

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