Sunday, October 31, 2010

RE: Abuse of public property

October 31, 2010
Narayan Manandhar
Danida/ HUGOU


I was under the impression that TI was filled with retired people digesting their ill-gotten earnings lazily (like a cow does in her idle time). But you have proved me wrong. What are you doing there with that sort of a crowd? Looks like you are in the august gathering of people who think even Chiranjibi Wagle is innocent! Theoretically your general secretary is right in the sense that a person is innocent till proven guilty. But Nepal is such a country that most of the corrupt people get away scot free on one or other technical ground. Therefore, in my considered opinion, the only way to curb corruption is to name and shame these people. I even think that we should stigmatize and ostracize such characters. TI could have played a very effective role in all this. But that is impossible considering the membership pattern. I wish you successful term in TI.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 18:13
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: FW: Abuse of public property

Ratna Sansar-ji,

After reading your comments on TI, I cannot resist writing. I have been a member of TI since 1998 and fed up with the organization so much that I have, so far, resisted myself from tendering resignation. The organization is in a such an weird situation that we have now TI members who prosecuted Mr. Chiranjibi Wagle and who defended his case! His lawyer is in fact now the second time Secretary General! Appropros to Dr. Devendra Raj Pandey - the founding member.

Narayan Manandhar

On Thu 28/10/10 6:10 AM , "Ratna Sansar Shrestha" sent:

October 27, 2010

Mr Leela Mani Paudyal
Prime Minister’s Office

Dear Leela Manijee

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Vision of developing water resources for energy, employment, etc.

October 30, 2010
Chiran S Thapa


Glad that you have read my article “with interest.” I am also glad that you think that the vision of developing water resources for energy, employment, etc. is great. You have raised a valid question regarding the how we get to realize it within political realities and our myriad problems. And I agree with you that sequential step-by-step program and a long term view is what is required. However it is rather un-pragmatic for me to be expected to chart out sequential step-by-step program and a long term view within the space that is afforded to me in an article published in a daily newspaper. You believe me that I can supply what you expect as my vision does not merely exists in the abstract; rather I have a full fledged plan ready for implementation.

I agree that a wish list is fun but discerning eyes should be able to make a distinction between what is a wish list, or rather wistful thinking and the vision. At least someone like you shouldn’t have problem distinguishing between the two.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

-----Original Message-----

From: C.S. Thapa [] On Behalf Of C.S. Thapa
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:49
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: FW: Today's Gorkhapatra

Ratna Sansarji,

Have read your Gorkhapatra article with interest. The vision of developing our water respurces for energy, employment, etc is great but, within the

political realities and our myriad problems, how do we get to realize it. A sequentail step-by-step program and alongterm view may be more practical. A

wish list is fun but nor quite vision.



Friday, October 29, 2010

UCPNM astride a lion

October 29, 2010

Dipak Bastakoti


I have taken it up as a crusade to write and try to inform as well as educate the general public in general and discerning readers like you in particular. At the moment this is what I can do and I am at it relentlessly with necessary perseverance.

A revolution succeeds only if it succeeds in changing 3 Ps (people in leadership, policy and process). The problem is we have had three revolutions: in BS 2007, 2046/47 and 2062/63 but we haven’t had any change in any P. That is out misfortune. What is necessary in a leadership is vision and integrity. Vision is absolutely necessary, although countries may survive with less integrity. We neither have leadership with vision not integrity. This is a typical case of lose/lose situation.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Dipak Bastakoti []
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 15:11
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: {Disarmed} Re: FW: Today's Gorkhapatra

Ratna Sansar Sir,

Thank you for posting your article here ,

I am happy to read some good things but dont know who and when will start to act ?

god Bless Nepal




--- On Tue, 26/10/10, Ratna Sansar Shrestha wrote:
From: Ratna Sansar Shrestha

Subject: FW: Today's Gorkhapatra
To: "Ratna Sansar Shrestha"
Date: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010, 4:13 AM

Dear Colleague

Gorkhapatra has published an article of mine today. I am forwarding it to you in case you have yet to come across it. You can also access it by clicking the link below:
Please do feel free to forward it to those who you think should be reading this article.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst
PO Box 12058 , Kathmandu
Telephone: +977 1 435-4698
Telephone/Facsimile: +977 1 435-1946

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Abuse of Public Property

October 27, 2010

Mr Leela Mani Paudyal
Prime Minister’s Office

Dear Leela Manijee

I have been closely following the whole episode from the very beginning including the discourse in NNSD triggered by your action and I have also read your lengthy article on the subject in Nepali vernacular daily, Nagrik with keen interest.

I am now getting a bit worried that the important issue here will get overshadowed. Abuse of government property too is a form of corruption and this has become so ubiquitous that people take it in their stride (meaning without complaining). Even those people who wouldn’t accept bribe do indulge in the corrupt activity of misusing government property. I have known a number of bureaucrats of high integrity (whose breeds seems to be on the verge of extinction as everyone seems to be joining the club) who wouldn’t bat an eyelid before using government vehicle for personal purposes. Many present and former bureaucrats have joined in in this discourse. But I have an inkling that only a very few of them have been exception in this respect as you have been.

People resort to this for several reasons. First of all it (the vehicle) is simply there and for ordinary mortals it is difficult to suppress the temptation to get driven in a comfortable vehicle that is at one’s disposal and instead ride a public transport.

Secondly, the feeling of self importance makes it difficult for them to be seen riding a public transport with the ordinary folks.

Thirdly, the family pressure in these matters is very difficult not to give in, especially when bureaucrats of lower echelon and their distant relatives are doing it. Therefore, for all this your family too deserves to be applauded for their solidarity with you and/or for suppressing their desire to be gliding through in a comfortable “high-heeled four wheel vehicle” (Pajero, Prado, Bolero, etc.), probably with controlled environment (with AC). I salute them in real earnest for agreeing to ride public transport in total disregard of their physical comfort.

In this backdrop it is time for the black sheep (corrupt people) to be stigmatized and we should ostracize the breed. We can so do at least in this forum. We can start by starting to compile white list and a black list. Leela Manijee’s name should figure at the top of the white list as we would be starting this list from this incident. And any of us noticing bureaucrats using government vehicle for private purposes should report to the forum for inclusion in the black list.

Interestingly TI has recently come up with its report on corruption putting Nepal at the bottom of the list. Looks like we are destined to live with this unless we, the people, rise and demand a change. But most members of this forum will not be aware of an interesting facet of TI in Nepal which had a vice president at one point in time who was in the black list for defaulting bank loan. I am sure that some of the members of this forum have already guessed his name but I am not prepared to stoop down to print his name. I used to feel amused when he would deliver long winded lectures on corruption.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RE: Today's Gorkhapatra

October 27, 2010
Prof. Dr. Mohan Lohani
Tribhuvan University

Dear Prof Lohani

Yes, the affected people (whether they be PLA, or YCL, etc.) are human beings too and ignoring their plight will be wrong for two reasons. One, it will be inhumane. Two, they could be forced to revolt again and that will be lot more costly than the last “people’s” war.

Yes, Prachanda et al had a ground swell of support from semi urban, peri urban and rural areas mainly due to disenchantment and disaffection caused by bad governance after 2047. As corruption attained it zenith during this period and poor become poorer. Most of those supporting UCPNM or sympathizing with it aren’t doing so because they understand the extreme form of communism (Maoism) that UCPNM subscribes to. Rather they pined for a change. But unfortunately like the French proverb, the more things change, the more things remain the same (plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose).

We already have had three so called “revolutions”, in BS 2007, 2046/47 and 2062/63 but things haven’t changed much. A revolution will bear fruit only if it brings change in people (in leadership), policy and process. Unfortunately, this has yet to happen. I eagerly wait for this to happen.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Mohan Lohani []
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 16:36
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: FW: Today's Gorkhapatra

Dear Ratna Sansarji,

Thanks for forwarding your article which,as usual, reveals your desire to think and work for the country as a whole.How nicely you have said that the magnitude of disillusionment and resentment can be neutralized by doing good service to the people of this country such as generating employment and other things.If service delivery is good,politics will also be on the right track and politicians can boast about their achievement genuinely and without hypocrisy.

Tks and regds,

MP Lohani

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

एमाओबादी आरुढ "िसंह"संग होसियार

एकिकृत नेकपा माओबादी १९ हजार भन्दा बढी संख्यामा संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघीय संयन्त्र अन्मिनद्वारा प्रमाणित आफ्नै सेना भएको राजनैतिक दल हो, जसको समायोजनमा बिबाद छ । ३ हजार जतिको संख्यामा कन्टेनरहरुमा राखिएका हतियारहरुको अनुपातमा भन्ने देखि सबै "योग्य" ठहरिसकेको भन्ने अडानहरु छन् ।

प्रमाणिकरणको मापदण्डमा नपरेका "अयोग्य" ४ हजार जतिको शिबिर बहिर्गमन भईसकेकोछ । साथै झण्डै नौ लाखको संख्यामा रहेको भनिएको योङ्ग कम्युनिष्ट लीग (वाईसीएल) नामक तरुणहरुको दस्ता छ, जसमध्ये केहि अर्ध-सैनिक संरचनामा बस्छन् भन्ने अन्य राजनैतिक दलहरुको आरोप छ ।

यी दुई कारणहरु दर्शाएर एमाओबादीलाई नागरिक दल नभएकॊ धारणा केहि राजनैतिक दलहरुको छ । लडाकूहरुको समायोजन र वाईसीएलको अर्ध-सैनिक संरचना भंग गरेपछि मात्र एमाओबादी नागरिक दल ठहरिने भनिएकोछ । बिगतमा सशस्त्र क्रान्ती गरेका दलहरुले अहिले एमाओबादीलाई हतियारको राजनीति गरेको आरोप लगाएकाछन् ।

दर्जन पटक संसदमा निर्वाचनोपरान्त पनि देशले प्रधानमन्त्री नपाउनुमा अर्को अर्घेलो लगाईने विषय हो, कब्जा सम्पत्ति । निजी सम्पत्ति राख्नु मानिसको नैसर्गिक अधिकार हो र विश्वभर यसलाई मौलिक अधिकार मानेर संबिधानद्वारा संरक्षित तथा प्रत्याभूत गरिएको हुन्छ । साम्यबादी देशहरुमा राजनैतिक दल खोल्ने लगायतका अधिकार नभए पनि चीन समेतमा निजी सम्पत्तिको अधिकार छ । यस्तोमा सामन्ती भएको समेतका आरोपमा एमाओबादीले केहि धनाढ्य तथा नवधनाढय्हरुको सम्पत्ति कब्जा गरेको भनिन्छ । गैरकानूनीरुपमा सम्पत्ति कब्जा गर्ने कार्यलाई उचित ठहर् याउन सकिन्न र यस्तो कार्यको प्रतिरक्षा पनि गर्न सकिन्न । त्यसैले कब्जा सम्पत्ति फिर्ता माँगिनु नाजायज होइन । कतिपय सहमति समझदारीमा यस्तो सम्पत्ति फिर्ता गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता एमाओबादीले ब्यक्त गरेकोछ, जुन पूरा नभएको गुनासोहरु आइरहेकाछन् ।

तर यस सम्बन्धी एउटा गम्भिर पाटो भने ओझेलमा परेकोछ । यस्तो सम्पत्ति अहिले जो जसको कब्जामा रहेको छ र जसले केहि वर्षहरु देखि भोगचलन गर्दै आएका छन् तिनमा फिर्ता प्रकृयाले के कस्तो प्रभाव पर्छ भन्ने सम्बन्धमा सोच्ने कष्ट कसैले पनि गरेको देखिएन । सस्रर्ति हेर्दा कब्जा सम्पत्ति भोगचलन गर्नेहरुको संख्या १ लाख भन्दा बढी छ । अघी बिपन्न व्यक्तिहरुले कब्जा सम्पत्ति भोगचलन गरेर केहि राहत पाएकै हुनुपर्छ । केहि वर्ष यसरी राहत पाईसकेपछि फिर्ता गर्दा ती फेरि बिपन्नताको भूमरिमा फँस्छन् । यिनको सम्भावित बितृष्णा तथा आक्रोशको समुचित व्यवस्थापन नभएमा बिस्फोटक ज्वालामुखिमा रुपान्तरित हुनसक्छ ।

के पनि स्मरणिय छ भने एमाओबादीका सदस्य तथा समर्थकहरुले चरम साम्यवादमा विश्वास गर्नाले मात्र एमाओबादी छोटो समयमा अन्य दलको तुलनामा बढी लोकपि्रय भएको हैन । अवश्य पनि नेपाली कांग्रेस तथा एमाले जस्ता दलहरु प्रतिको बितृष्णा पनि कारक छन् । २०४७ सालको जनआन्दोलन पछि देशमा ब्याप्त बेरोजगारी, भ्रष्ट्राचार, नाताबाद-कृपाबाद आदि अनि देशको स्वार्थ बिपरित भारतप्रति आत्मसमर्पणबादीता पनि त्यत्तिकै जिम्मेवार छ । यसरी आकर्षण बढ्नाले एमाओबादी संबिधान सभामा सबभन्दा ठूलो दलको हुनसकेको हो । यस्तोमा सम्पत्ति फिर्ताको कार्यक्रम पूर्णरुपमा कार्यान्वयन गर्नाले, केहिलाई मात्र समायोजन गरेर बाँकी लडाकूलाई शिबिरबाट बहिर्गमन गर्दा र वाईसीएलको अर्ध-सैनिक संरचनामा भंग गर्दा तीन लाख जति प्रभावित हुनेछन् र बैकल्पिक व्यवस्था नगरिएमा नयाँ सकंट निम्त्याउने काम हुने प्रति कोहि पनि सचेत देखिन्नन् ।

अनि एमाओबादी पिडितहरु राजधानी लगायतका बिभिन्न शहरहरुमा आन्तरिक शरणार्थी बनेकाछन् । काठमाडौं उपत्यकामा मात्रै ६० हजारको संख्यामा अत्यन्त कष्टप्रद जीवन यापन गरिरहेकाछन् भनिन्छ जो आफ्नो थातथलो छाडेर सम्पत्ति उपभोग गर्नबाट बंचित भएर बसेका छन् । यिनको समस्या पनि तदारुकताका साथ समाधान नगरिएमा पछि गएर बिग्रेको घाउ झैं बल्झन सक्छ ।

यस पंक्तिकारको मनमा शिबिरहरुमा रहेका लडाकूहरु, अर्ध-सैनिक संरचनामा रहेका वाईसीएल, कब्जा सम्पत्ति र माओबादी पिडितको समस्या िसंहमा एमाओबादी आरुढ भएको रुपमा चित्रण भएकोछ । एमाओबादी आरुढ हुनाले बडो मुश्किलले यो िसंह नियन्त्रणमा छ । एमाओबादीले मुक्ती पाएपछि भने मुलुक नैं यो िसंहको जोखिममा पर्नेछ, यदि बुद्धिमत्तापूर्वक व्यवस्थापन गरिएन भने ।

समायोजन गरेर बांकी लडाकूलाई मूलप्रवाहिकरण गर्दा धेरै होसियारी अवलम्बन गर्नुपर्छ । किनभने अधिकांशले जानेको भनेकै घातक लगायतका हात हतियार कुशलतापूर्वक चलाउने मात्र हुनसक्छ । बैकल्पिक इलमको प्रबन्ध बिना शिबिरहरुबाट बाहिर त्यत्तिकै छोडिएमा के हुनसक्छ भन्ने कल्पना गर्न धेरै दिमाग खर्चन पदैै्रन अयोग्य घोषित मध्ये केहि असामाजिक कार्यमा संलग्न भएबाट अन्दाज गर्न सकिन्छ ।

अझ अयोग्यको बिल्ला भिराएरै पनि ठूलो त्रुटि गरिसकिएको छ । किनभने अयोग्यको बिल्ला भिराईएकाहरु न्ागरिक जीवनकोलागि अयोग्य नभएर प्रमाणित गर्ने प्रयोजनको लागि तोकिएको मापदण्ड भित्र नपरेको मात्र हुन् अरु थुप्रै शिप, योग्यता, दक्षता, कार्यकुशलता अवश्य पनि छन् । अयोग्य घोषित गरेर शिबिरहरुबाट बहिर्गमन गर्दा गरिएको गल्ति प्रमाणित लडाकुलाई शिबिरबाट बहिर्गमन गर्दा पुनराबृत्ति गरिने आशंका छ । यो बढी सम्बेदनशील विषय यसकारण पनि हो कि शिबिरहरुमा बिगत ४ वर्ष देखि यिनीहरुले अत्यन्त कष्टकर जीवनयापन गरिरहेकाछन् ।

वाईसीएलको सम्बन्धमा पनि उत्तिकै संबेदनशिल हुन आवश्यक छ । यदी केहि वाईसीएलका सदस्यहरु अर्ध-सैनिक संरचनामा आबद्ध छन् भने यसको लागि देशको बिद्यमान परिस्थिति धेरै हदसम्म जिम्मेवार छ । आत्म सन्मानका साथ जीवनयापन हुनेगरी पूर्णकालिन रोजगारीको व्यवस्था भएको अवस्थामा निकै कम युवा मात्र घर-परिवारबाट छुट्टिएर वाईसीएलको अर्ध-सैनिक संरचनामा आबद्ध हुनेथिए । किनभने मानिस सामाजिक प्राणी हुनाले बाध्यात्मक अवस्थामा वाहेक घर-परिवारबाट छुट्टिएर बस्न रुचाउंदैनन् । तर रोजगारीको अभावमा पचासौं लाख युवा बिदेश पलायन समेत भएको पृष्ठभमिमा वाईसीएलको अर्ध-सैनिक संरचनाबाट त्यत्तिकै बहिर्गमन गर्नाले पर्न सक्ने कुप्रभाव प्रति पनि धेरै होसियारी अपनाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ ।

सुरक्षा निकायमा समायोजन नहुने लडाकु, अर्ध-सैनिक संरचनाबाट बहिर्गमन गरिने वाइसीएल, अहिले कब्जा सम्पत्ति भोगचलन गर्दै आएका जनसाधारण तथा माओबादी पिडितका समस्या खोर बाहिरको िसंह जत्तिकै खतरनाक हुने सम्भावना अति उच्च छ र यी समस्याको समुचित व्यवस्थापन गर्नु भनेको िसंहलाई खोर भित्र थुन्ने जत्तिकै सजिलो हुन्न र बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण समाधान भएन भने आगतमा बिस्फोटक स्थिति सामना गर्नपर्ने हुन्छ ।

यी सबै नेपाल आमाका सन्तती हुन् । कुनै अर्को देश वा ग्रह नक्षत्रबाट आएका होइनन् । एमाओबादी लगायतका दलहरुको भूल त्रुटीको कारणबस कसैले पनि फल भोग्ने अवस्था बन्नु हुन्न । देशमा तत्कालिन अवस्थामा बिद्यमान समस्या प्रति आक्रोश अभिव्यक्त गर्ने क्रममा यी सबै कुराहरु भए गरेका हुन् र यस प्रति संबेदनशील भएर समस्याको समाधान गरिनुपर्छ । नत्र यी व्यक्तिहरुको बिचल्ली हुने मात्र नभएर समस्याको यथोचित समाधानको अभावमा श्रृजना हुने बितृष्णा तथा आक्रोशले गर्दा बिगत जनयुद्धको दौरानमा झण्डै चौध हजार नेपाली नागरिकले शहादत प्राप्त गरेकोमा आगतमा अझ धेरै नेपालीले अनाहक ज्यान गुमाउने स्थिति श्रृजना हुनसक्छ । जसले गर्दा हजारौं वर्ष देखि नेपाल एक सार्वभौम, स्वाधीन, स्वतन्त्र, स्वायत्त रहेकोमा यस्तो नरुचाउने, देख्न सहन नसक्नेहरुले चलखेल गर्ने मौका पाउन सक्छन् । जुन तत्वको बिदेशमा मात्र होइन नेपालमा पनि कुनै कमी छैन । त्यसैले सबैलाई चेतना भया ।

प्रश्न उठ्छ समाधान केमा निहित छ ? सम्भावित बितृष्णा र आक्रोशको व्यवस्थापन कसरी हुन्छ ? यिनको एउटै उत्तर छ सम्पूर्णलाई आत्मसन्मानपूर्ण रोजगारी उपलब्ध गराएर, अनिकाल रोग ब्याधीबाट मुक्ति दिलाएर तथा देशलाई आत्मनिर्भर बनाएर । यस पंक्तिकार जलश्रोतसंग सम्बद्ध हुनाले (१) दूरदृष्टिपूर्ण सोच (अंग्रेजीमा भिजन)का साथ (२) नेपाल र नेपाली मात्रको लागि (३) समुचित व्यवस्थापन गर्ने गरेर (४) अधिकतम दोहन गर्न सकिएमा जलश्रोतबाट मात्रै पनि एमाओबादी आरुढ िसंहको समुचित व्यवस्थापन हुन सक्छ र देशको समग्र आर्थिक समस्याहरुको समाधान सम्भव छ । जलश्रोत बाहेक उच्च सम्भावना भएको अन्य श्रोतहरुको नेपालमा कमी छैन । कमी छ त खाली दूरदृष्टिपूर्ण एवम् देशभक्तीपूर्ण सोचको ।

वर्षातमा धनजन क्षती हुनेगरेर पर्ने पानी जलाशयहरुमा संचित गरेर सम्पूर्ण खेतीयोग्य जमिनमा न्युनतम ३ बाली लगाएर, कृषिमा अधिकतम् रोजगारी श्रृजना मात्र नगरेर खाद्यान्न उत्पादनको अभावमा देखा पर्ने अनिकाललाई समेत इतिहाँसको पन्नामा सीमित गर्न सकिन्छ । भारतको खेती योग्य भूमि मध्ये पंजाब प्रान्तमा उपलब्ध डेढ प्रतिशत जमिनबाट भारतको धान र गहुँको ४० प्रतिशत आवश्यकता पूर्ति हुन्छ भने नेपालको तराईमा रहेको १४ प्रतिशत खेतीयोग्य जमिनबाट नेपालको आवश्यकताको ३ सय प्रतिशत धान र गहुँको उत्पादन सम्भव छ ।

यी जलाशयहरुमा जल यातायात सेवा उपलब्ध गराएर ढुवानी लागत ८२ प्रतिशतले घटाउन सकिन्छ । किनभने १ टन सामान ट्रकबाट १ किलोमिटर ढुवानी गर्दा २ हजार किलोजूल उर्जा खपत हुन्छ भने जलमार्गमा ३ सय ३७ किलोजूल मात्र ।

यी जलाशयबाट प्रशस्त बिजुली उत्पादन गरेर नेपालको औद्योगिकरण गरेर मनग्गे रोजगारी श्रृजना गर्न सकिन्छ । उदाहरणको लागि चुनढुंगा खानीमा आधारित गरेर सिमन्टी कारखाना, खरीढुंगाबाट म्याग्नेसियम उद्योग स्थापना गरेर बिदेशिएका नेपाली युवालाई समेत मातृभूमि फर्कने प्रबन्ध गर्न सकिन्छ । यसै गरेर सस्तो बिजुली प्रयोग गरेर वातावरणमा उपलब्ध नाइट्रोजनबाट (बिना कच्चापदार्थ) मल उत्पादन गर्ने उद्योग स्थापना गरेर पनि रोजगारी श्रृजना गर्नाको अतिरिक्त कृषिमलमा देशलाई आत्मनिर्भर बनाउन सकिन्छ ।

अनि मुलुकको अधिकांश यातायात सेवालाई बिद्युतिकरण गरेर पेट्रोलियम पदार्थ पैठारीको कारणले हुने व्यापार घाटा, शोधनान्तर घाटाका अलावा आयल निगमको घाटा कटौती गरेर पनि लाभान्वित हुन सकिन्छ ।

२०६७ कार्तिक ९ गतेको गोरखापत्रमा प्रकाशित
Ratna Sansar Shrestha

Sunday, October 24, 2010

HYDRO Excellence award

October 24, 2010
Jeewan P Thanju
Journal of Water, Energy and Environment


Thank you. I thought I will have plenty of time on my hand with the closure of GTZ SHPP. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I am becoming extremely busy these days.

I did want to participate in your program but was both unable and felt unwilling to do so.

I was unable as South Asian Institute of Management also organized a talk program during the same window of time and they wanted me to both participate and comment on the paper being presented. I had already made a commitment to them whereas I got your invite only at the last moment. I did indicate this to you when you phoned me.

Besides I didn’t feel comfortable participating in that “ceremony” as I have strong reservation with your choice for excellence award. Gyanendra Pradhan is a nice person. I know him too well. But, as he goes about saying that Indians should take care of Nepal’s army, Hydro Nepal has awarded a person who encourages Nepal’s colonization by India.  I trust Hydro Nepal doesn’t agree with him although you have chosen him for the award. However, with this action you may have succeeded to project such an image of your organization in the public eye.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Jeewan Thanju []
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 14:43
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: CDM SHP Article from China

Dear Shree Ratna ji

We have received an article from DG, IN-SHP, China on CDM on SHP for publication in our journal.
A am attaching the paper as you are interested in CDM.

If you get time to spare, we will be interested on your comments on the article.

We missed you in the last HYDRO ceremony and talk program.

Jeewan Thanju 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wonderful comments on power economy

August 27, 2010
Krishna Neupane

Good to hear from you.
No, I am not proposing that we should block India from investing in Nepal at all. But it will be foolhardy to be exporting power to India while keeping people in Nepal in dark and unindustrialized for lack of power. If we could industrialize Nepal at the accelerated pace then we can stop "exporting" people overseas including India.
I couldn't agree more with you that Nepal's hydrocracy does neet better negotiation pwer.
With best regards,
Ratna Sansar

From: krishna neupane <>
Sent: Thu, August 19, 2010 8:51:22 PM
Subject: Wonderful comments

Ratna Dai: Thank u for sharing ur commentary on power economy. I have always held the belief that economy is far important than politics. As far as I understand that India is fully aware of global reality and we cannot get away from this fact. Correct me if I am wrong would it be wise to block India to invest in our energy sector? While Indian consumer are at spending spree for many  years, could there any logical answer as industries there will demand more workers-including Nepali. To my understanding, nepali lack sheer competitivenes and effiency to surpass them. Thus, we need better negotiation power n alternatives than lashing them. Thank you Krishna

Friday, October 8, 2010

Arun III

October 8, 2010
Manoj Goyal

Manoj jee

Thanks a lot for sparing time from your busy scheduled to meet me yesterday.

I would like to take this opportunity to record my opposition against the captioned project, as conceptualized now, for posterity in contrast to your opinion that this project should be allowed to be implemented as it is.
  • You agreed with me that the current level of demand of the eastern development region of about 250 MW is based on suppressed growth, evidenced by extant industries not being able to run at full capacity and new industries not being able to be set up for dearth of power. Therefore, if available, this region could easily consume about 400 MW right now and after 5 years this region alone will need more than 600 MW.
  • You opined that this project should be allowed to be implemented as export oriented as an array of projects of about 20 MW could be built for consumption domestically in this region. This logic is untenable as Nepal will need to build around 29 projects of 20 MW in next 5 years. But, unfortunately, this many projects are not in the pipeline ready for implementation, to be commissioned in 5 years’ time. Only a very few projects are at this stage including Kabeli A, cumulative total of these will not even be 100 MW. Due to this reason, export of power from the captioned project will starve this region of power further and stunt the growth.
  • Due to unique hydrology of this river and its cost effectiveness of this project (expected to cost $ 1,000/kW) exporting power from this project will mean exporting good quality cheap power while Nepal will be starved for power or if projects generating power in necessary quantum is to be built, this region will be deprived of cost effective good quality power. I wonder if you are aware that Kabeli A costs more than $ 2,000/kW.
  • Nepal has invested a huge amount in bringing this project to the current stage, through feasibility studies, preparation of DPR etc. In my considered opinion, therefore people of Nepal should benefit from the past investment instead of people across the border.
  • Most importantly, building hydropower project for consumption in India requires parliamentary ratification. These people are determined to breach this constitutional provision and impair the authority of the parliament. This is not acceptable no matter what.
  • Furthermore, this will set a bad precedent, from the perspective of constitution as well as cost effective site. No project should be built in contravention of Nepal's constitution. Moreover, Nepal should set right precedent by implementing project like this in Nepal's interest.
With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

Thursday, October 7, 2010

RE: FW: My article on West Seti Project

October 7, 2010
Er. Sagar Gnawali

Dear Sagar

I am happy to note that you are a fast learner. It was me who brought up the issue of project life and the cost of “Decommissioning” for the first time that Nepal will have to bear under present arrangement, if implemented as it is. I have dealt with all these issues in my article published in Hydro Nepal which can be accessed by clicking the link below:

What you need to understand is that it will not be possible to cover all these issue in an article of about 800 words. In the article you are referring to I am merely trying to draw people’s attention to two issues:

1.       This project should be built in the interest of Nepal and people of Nepal.
2.       I am also suggesting a number of modalities that will ensure the above.

I Hope you will be able to understand the message carried by this article in the above light.

Take care and keep in touch.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

-----Original Message-----
From: Sagar Mani Gnawali []
Sent: Sunday, October 3, 2010 9:52
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: FW: My article on West Seti Project

Ranta Sir,
  You are not talking about the life of the project. I think such type of project could not run more than 30/35 year because of sanitation.
     I have heard that 70 MW of electricity will get by Nepal in Free.
Selling of the electricity in india in Very little price and getting 70 MW of electricity is Like a Nepali slogan  KHUKHURO THALIYARA BOKO
   I think with out foreign investment we could not complete this project. I have studied about the increasing energy demand of Nepal. I
think one day the cost of fossils fuel will be go very high, At that time all house hold application and activities will totally turned in
Electricity. At that time the demand of electricity will increase in high rate. I think this is my projection of Nepal after 10/12 year. At
that time how we run the country?

On 10/3/10, Ratna Sansar Shrestha wrote:
> Dear Colleague
> Attached please find my article on the captioned topic. I am forwarding it
> to you in case you have yet to read it. If you have problem opening the
> attachment, you can also peruse it by following the link below:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Re: FW: My article on West Seti Project

October 6, 2010

Prof. Dr Mohan Lohani

Dear Prof. Lohani

Thanks for emailing your comments.

I have come to understand that someone needs to take up a crusade to point out that the emperor is “naked” (the vision is defective, policies are harebrained and most people are corrupt) and I am wont to do it without mincing words. I do come up with strong critique due to which people have branded me as antidevelopment, which is absolutely wrong. In the limited space of about 800 to 1200 words, there is very little one could articulate and, hence, only critical expressions get aired.

In the captioned article I have tried to sketch how a project should be built in the interest of Nepal and Nepali people. This is an example of my vision for most of the projects related to water resource. I have written an article on vision for new Nepal driven by water resources, which can be accessed by following the link below:

I hope Indian people, politicos, bureaucracy et al and people in Nepal serving Indian interest are able to understand that this vision is not anti-Indian. This is a model that affords a win-win situation for both Nepal and India. They need to grow up and understand that projects that do not serve Nepali interest will not get built as the likes of us won’t allow such projects to be implemented (cancellation of current incarnation of West Seti project is a good example) and without having a project built in Nepal, India will never stand to get downstream benefits like flood control and water for irrigation during dry season without which she won’t be able to feed her ever increasing population. They need to remember that Ganga plain is her only granary and without arranging to have water in the rainy season stored in Nepal’s hills, it won’t be able to increase cropping intensity there.  Necessary water, for example, to irrigate 1.5 million hectares of land can stored in one single project – upper Karnali – while we have only 1.6 million hectares of land in the whole Terai where water stored in the projects in mid hills could potentially be used.

Building a storage project entails cost for Nepal in terms of inundation of large tracks of land and displacement of local populace and they should not dream of building such a project without making necessary arrangement to recompense Nepal for this cost which could be in the lines of what Lesotho or Canada receives from South Africa and USA respectively. People in Nepal need to learn this and Indians need to be prepared to recompense Nepal for such costs.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Mohan Lohani []
Sent: Sunday, October 3, 2010 13:05
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: {Disarmed} Re: FW: My article on West Seti Project

Dear Ratna Sansarji,
Your West Seti Project article is commendable as it accords high priority to national interest.You are right if this multi-purpose project does not suit India's interest,we should make use of it by generating electricity and by irrigating our own land.But we should not shake our legs while negotiating with India terms and conditions for power deal .We always fail when we allow our own interest to supersede the larger interest .
Tks and regds,
Mohan Lohani

--- On Sat, 10/2/10, Ratna Sansar Shrestha <> wrote:

From: Ratna Sansar Shrestha <>
Subject: FW: My article on West Seti Project
To: "Ratna Sansar Shrestha" <>
Date: Saturday, October 2, 2010, 11:12 PM
Dear Colleague

Attached please find my article on the captioned topic. I am forwarding it to you in case you have yet to read it. If you have problem opening the attachment, you can also peruse it by following the link below:

Please feel free to forward it to those who you feel should read it.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

RE: My article on West Seti Project

October 4, 2010

Dr Chiran S Thapa
Naxal, Kathmandu


The attachment was “written” in preeti font. If you were unable to open the attachment, the reason could be that you don’t have that font installed in your computer.

I fully agree with you that we should aim to use the electricity domestically and export the rest. But we need to bargain hard and also learn to bargain well too. Most of the time, people supposed to negotiate on behalf Nepal have always put their personal interest above national interest.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

-----Original Message-----
From: C.S. Thapa [] On Behalf Of C.S. Thapa
Sent: Sunday, October 3, 2010 19:35
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: FW: My article on West Seti Project

Ratna Sansarji,

I was able to read the article in your blogsite but the attached was as much of a jumble as ever.

I like your idea of a model for Nepal's six thousand rivers - but as in the thousands of items consumers buy the right price is I think the key to use
both internally and for export. Need for a great enterprise for the single objective of a bargain always and for every river?



On Oct 3 2010, Ratna Sansar Shrestha wrote:

>Dear Colleague
>Attached please find my article on the captioned topic

Monday, October 4, 2010

Indian Hurdles to power export to India and Arun III

October 4, 2010
Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan
Former Secretary,
Ministry of Water Resources

Dear Bhubaneshjee

Thank you so much for your solidarity.

I agree with you that we need to continue with "Lutaremos Siempre".

Further, I also agree with you that it is wrong to offer Arun III to India on a silver platter. I am raising my voice stridently against it. There is no point in building it for India while depriving our eastern development region of necessary power for its industries and further industrialization.

However, my analysis shows that it was a step in the right direction to cancel Arun III in 1995. I have written an in-depth article on this issue which touches dwells on both incarnations of Arun III. I have uploaded this article in my website which can be accessed by clicking the link below:

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Bhubanesh Pradhan []
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2010 19:20
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: {Disarmed} Re: Hurdles of power

Dear Ratna Sansarji,

Thank you for copying to me "Hurdles of Power" through contact.I really appreciate your raising awareness in our water resources issuses.If we are not to raise our voices, anything can happen here.

When we were about to start Arun 3 with the assistance of  the World Bank, the vested lobby at the instance of the forces against the Nepalese interest made hue and cry leading to the cancellation of the Project. Yet when the same project was given in a silver platter to the same forces, nobody raised a word about the deal. This is Nepal that you understand and I faced during uneasy years in my gvernment service.

We should always continue to struggle. In Spanish, they call it "Lutaremos Siempre" (We always struggle). We simply give continuity to our struggle and the struggle goes on. Thank you once again for your relentless effort. 

With regards, 
Yours sincerely,

From: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Sent: Sun, September 26, 2010 8:45:18 AM
Subject: FW: Hurdles to power import from Nepal
Dear Pokhareljee

Thanks a lot for your solidarity.

Your question below has been responded to by the outcry that ensued release of press communiqué on water resource released by UCPNM last week.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

नेपालको हितमा पश्चिम सेती आयोजना बन्नुपर्छ

हालै पश्चिम सेती आयोजनाको कार्यालय बन्द भएको समाचार प्रेषित भयो भने यस आयोजनाको इन्टरनेट वेबसाइट पनि बन्द हुनाले के कति कारणले कार्यालय बन्द गरियो प्रष्ट छैन । अझ अस्ट्रेलिया स्थित मूल प्रबद्र्धक कम्पनी स्नोई माउन्टेनस् इन्जिनियिरंग कर्पोरेशन स्मेकको वेबसाइटमा समेत यस आयोजना सम्बन्धमा केहि पनि उल्लेख नहुनु आश्चर्यजनक छ ।

संबिधान उल्लंघन
यस सम्बन्धमा नेपाल सरकारले गरेको सम्झौता संबिधानको धारा १५८ अनुरुप संसदीय अनुमोदन नगराइएकोले संबिधान उल्लंघन हुनाको अतिरिक्त संसदको अधिकार पनि हनन् भएको जीकिर लिएर सार्वजनिक सरोकारको रिट निवेदन सर्बोच्च अदालतमा दायर गरिएबाट यस आयोजनाका धेरै शुभेच्छुकहरु हतास बनेका थिए राष्ट्रघात खोतल्नेहरुले गर्दा आयोजना कार्यान्वयन नहुने चिन्ताले । तर यस सम्बन्धमा संसदीय अनुमोदन अनावश्यक ठहर् याउंने त्रुटीपूर्ण फैसला आएपछि यो आयोजना कार्यान्वयनमा जानुको सट्टा आयोजना कार्यालय नैं बन्द गरियो ।

यस पंक्तिकार लगायतका अधिकांश आलोचकहरुले यो आयोजना कार्यान्वयन नहोस् भनेर कहिल्यै चाहेका थिएनन् नगण्य अपवाद वाहेक । मुलुकलाई फाईदा हुने नैं भए पनि संबिधान मिचेर संसदको अधिकार कुण्ठित पारेर फाइदाको पछि लाग्नु हुन्न संबैधानिक प्रकृया पूरा गरिनुपर्छ भन्ने मात्र धारणा थियो । अझ यस पंक्तिकारको विश्लेषणमा सम्पन्न सम्झौता अनुरुप कार्यान्वयन गर्दा देश र जनतालाई तात्विक रुपमा लाभ हुने देखिन्न । त्यसैले सुदूर र मध्य पश्चिमााचल विकास क्षेत्रका जनता अनि समग्र मुलुकलाई वास्तविकरुपमा लाभान्वित हुने गरेर निर्माण गरिनुपर्छ भन्ने धारणा थियो र छ पनि । तर यस सम्बन्धमा सतहीरुपमा बुझ्नेहरुले र बुझेर पनि बुझपचाउनेहरुले यस्तो कुरा अभिव्यक्त गर्नेलाई विकास बिरोधिको बिल्ला भिराउने गरेकाछन् ।

संबिधान मिचिएको र संसदको अधिकार कुण्ठित भएको सन्दर्भमा अरु दलहरुले चासो नदेखाएपनि एमाओबादीले हालै एक बिज्ञप्ती प्रकाशित गरेको सराहनिय छ । आशा छ अरु दलहरुको पनि आंखा चांडै्र उघ्रने छ ननिदाई निदाएको बहाना गरेकोमा बाहेक ।

बिद्युत बजार र निकासी दर
७ सय ५० मेगावाट क्षमताको जलाशययुक्त आयोजना हुनाले यसबाट उच्च गुणस्तरको बिजुली वार्षिक ३ अर्ब ६३ करोड युनिट उत्पादन हुन्छ । बेमौसमी फलपुूल अथवा काउलीले झैं यस्तो बिजुलीले सापेक्षरुपमा बढी मूल्य पाउंछ । नेपालले अहिले भारतबाट सस्तोमा प्रति युनिट ७ रुपैया ८० पैसा र महंगोमा १० रुपैया ७२ पैसा मा आयात गरिहेकोमा यो भन्दा माथिल्लो स्तरको बिजुली भारतमा ३ रुपैया ७५ पैसामा निकासी गर्ने बन्दोबस्त प्रबद्र्धकले गरेकोमा पनि जलश्रोतको क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने सचेतवर्ग धेरै आक्रोशित छन् । यत्ति गुणस्तरको बिजुली खनिज इन्धनबाट उत्पादन गर्दा प्रति युनिट २० रुपैया भन्दा बढी पर्ने परिप्रेक्ष्यमा बिस्थापित लागत अंग्रेजीमा अभ्वाईडेड कष्ट को एक चौथाई भन्दा पनि कम दरमा निकासी गरेर नेपालले प्राप्त गर्ने रोयल्टी लगायतका राजश्वमा पनि ठगिने अवस्था थियो ।

यस आयोजनालाई किन निकासीमूलक बनाइयो भन्ने सम्बन्धमा केहि स्वनामधनी उर्जाबिद्हरुले नेपालमा बजार अभाव छ भन्ने गरेकाछन् जुन यस पंक्तिकारको विश्लेषणसंग मेल खांदैन । १० हजार मेगावाट कार्यदलले पनि यो आयोजना सम्पन्न हुने बेला सम्ममा यो आयोजनाको सबै बिजुली नेपालमा नैं खपत हुने विश्लेषण गरेकोबाट पनि भ्रम चिर्ने काम केहि हद सम्म भएको छ ।

बाढी नियन्त्रण र सुख्खायाममा िसंचाई
यो एउटा जलाशययुक्त आयोजना हुनाले वर्षातमा परेको पानी यसको जलाशयमा १ अर्ब ५६ करोड घन मिटर संचित हुन्छ । यसरी पानी संचित हुनाले तल्लो तटीय क्षेत्र दुई किसिमले लाभान्वित हुन्छ वर्षातमा ४ महिना बाढी नियन्त्रित भएर र सुख्खायाममा ८ महिना िसंचाई गर्नको लागि ९० घन मिटर प्रति सेकेन्ड पानी नियन्त्रितरुपमा थप उपलब्ध भएर । कोलम्बिया सन्धी अन्तर्गत संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका यस्तै प्रकारले लाभान्वित हुंदा माथिल्लो तटीय राज्य क्यानाडाले यस्ता लाभ बापत तल्लो तटीय राज्यबाट रकम प्राप्त गरेको नजीर छ । लेसोथोले पनि १८ घन मिटर पानी उपलब्ध गराए बापत दक्षिण अपि्रुकाबाट वार्षिक अढाई करोड डलर प्राप्त गर्दछ ।

तल्लो तटीय क्षेत्रले बाढी नियन्त्रणको फाइदा पाउंदा के कति रकमले लाभान्वित हुन्छ भन्ने सम्बन्धमा आयोजना प्रबद्र्धक तथा नेपाल सरकारले कुनै पनि अध्ययन नगरे नगराएकोले किटानीका साथ भन्न सकिने अवस्था छैन । तर सुख्खायाममा नियन्त्रित रुपमा ९० घन मिटर प्रति सेकेन्ड पानी यो परिमाणको पानीले धान वाहेकको पानी फारो हुने खेती गरेमा २ लाख ७० हजार हेक्टर िसंचाई हुन्छ थप पाएबापत लेसोथो र दक्षिण अपि्रुका बीच तोकिएको दर प्रयोग गर्दा भारतबाट नेपालले वार्षिक ८ करोड ३३ लाख डलर बराबर ६ अर्ब २५ करोड रुपैया प्राप्त हुनुपर्ने देखिन्छ ।

केहि भारतीय विशेषज्ञ अनि केहि भारतको पृष्ठपोषणरत स्वनामधनी नेपाली विज्ञहरुले बगेको पानीको पैसा लिन मिल्दैन भन्ने गरेका छन् । अचम्म त के हो भने यी तिनै विज्ञ हुन् जसले नदीमा त्यसै बगेको पानी जसको कुनै आर्थिक-वित्तिय मूल्य हुंदैन बगेर खेर गयो भनेर दोहर् याउने गर्छन । जलाशयमा संचित पानी भनेको बाढी ल्याउने वर्षातको पानी होइन जुन बगेर जांदा आर्थिक÷वित्तिय हिसाबले खेर गएको ठहर्दैन । बरु वर्षातको पानीले बाढी पहिरो भूस्खलन ल्याउंछ र धनजन नोक्सानी गराउंछ । तर आयोजनाको जलाशयबाट थप पानी नियन्त्रित रुपमा उपलब्ध गराउन नेपालले ३ हजार हेक्टर बराबर खेतीयोग्य भूमि वनजगल पूर्वाधार संरचना पर्यटकीय स्थल डुबानमा पर्न जान्छ र करीब १३ हजार स्थानिय बासिन्दा बिस्थापित हुन्छन् । यी नेपालको गैर नगद लगानि हो र यस्तो पानी निशुल्क प्रदान गर्नु बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण कार्य होइन ।

नेपाली जनता विस्थापित हुने गरेर नेपालको भूभाग डुबाउनाको औचित्य दुई अवस्थामा मात्र हुन्छ । पानीबाट भारतको तल्लो तटीय क्षेत्र लाभान्वित हुने अवस्थामा माथि उल्लिखित रकम नेपालले पाउने भएमा अथवा यस आयोजनालाई बहुउद्देश्यीय बनाएर िसंचाईबाट नेपालले नैं लाभ प्राप्त गर्ने भएमा ।
आयोजनाको लागि वित्तिय व्यवस्था
एक अर्ब २० करोड डलर लागत लाग्ने भनिएको यस आयोजना निर्माणार्थ ९० करोड डलर ऋण लिएमा ३० करोड डलर डलरको ७५ रुपैयाको हिसाबले २२ अर्ब ५० करोड रुपैया बराबर पूंजी स्वरुप लगानि गर्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ । जुन रकम ४ वर्ष सुख्खायाममा नियन्त्रित पानी थप उपलब्ध गराए बापत भारतबाट प्राप्त हुनु पर्ने रकम बराबर हो । यो मोडेलमा कार्यान्वयन गरेमा एउटा पक्षले गुमाएर अर्को पक्ष बढी लाभान्वित हुने अवस्था आउंदैन र आयोजना कार्यान्वयनको लागि सकारात्मक वातावरण बन्छ । तर सुख्खायाममा थप पानी नियन्त्रित रुपमा पाएबापत रकम तिर्न भारत तयार नभएमा र आवश्यक खेतीयोग्य जमिन नेपालको यस भेगमा उपलब्ध नभएमा यस भेगको खेतीयोग्य जमिनको आवश्यकता अनुरुप यो आयोजनाको बांधको उचाई घटाएर डुबानमा पर्ने जमिनको क्षेत्रफल र बिस्थापित हुने जनसंख्या समेत घटाएर यो आयोजनालाई कार्यान्वयनमा लैजानु पर्छ । नेपाल भित्रै बिजुली र पानी खपत गर्ने गरेर यो आयोजना निर्माण गरिएमा संसदीय अनुमोदनको प्रकृयामा पनि जान आवश्यक हुन्न ।

यो आयोजना नेपालका ६ हजार नदी नालामा बन्न सक्ने राम्रा आयोजनाहरु मध्ये एक हो । यो आयोजना नेपाल र नेपालीको उच्चतम् हितको लागि कार्यान्वयन गरिनुपर्छ । हालको अवधारणामा बनाइने हो भने बिजुलीको बिस्थापित लागतको आधारमा दर तोकेर निकासी गर्ने र सुख्खायाममा उपलब्ध हुने थप नियन्त्रित पानीको समुचित रकम नेपालले पाउने व्यवस्था हुनुपर्छ । यस प्रति भारत सकारात्मक नभएमा यस आयोजनाको पानीले नेपालमा िसंचाई गर्नको लागि आवश्यक पानीको परिमाणको आधारमा बाँधको उचाई कायम गरेर यसलाई बहुउद्दश्यीय आयोजनाको रुपमा कार्यान्वयन गरिनुपर्छ ।

Ratna Sansar Shrestha
२०६७ आश्विन १७ गतेको नेपाल साप्ताहिकमा प्रकाशित

मोहि माग्ने ढुग्रो लुकाउने

October 3, 2010

Paras Kharel


I am glad that you are following my writings.

There is a proverb in Nepaliमोहि माग्ने ढुग्रो लुकाउने
Most of the Indians and their agents in Nepal will never accept that Indian interest is in the downstream benefits, not electricity. They are happy to have our hydrocracy believe that India needs electricity from Nepal and not mention a word about the downstream benefit which they stand to get free of cost along with good quality power at cheap rate. They would even go on to add that Nepal should arrange to export before India starts generating nuclear power. Therefore, what you are proposing will require them to be honest and truthful which is not their wont.

One good example is 400 kV transmission line from Dhalkebar to Mujaffarpur. Nepal is borrowing form WB to build it in the belief that it will be used to import power from India to mitigate loadshedding problem in Nepal. In actuality, Mujaffarpur suffers from severe power deficit problem and this network will be actually used to evacuate power from Arun III and Tamakoshi 3 projects. In the normal course, investment in such infrastructure is the obligation of the importer (India in this case) or the project itself. But Nepal’s hydrocracy is so smart by half that we are investing in something, someone else should have invested.
With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: paras kharel <>
Date: Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:36 AM
Subject: query
Dear Ratna Sansar ji,

I follow your articles on issues concerning national interest, mainly through your blog. 

I would appreciate if I could get your take on the following (if and when you have the time):
If it is downstream benefits that the other side is really interested in from hydroelectricity projects here (as in the case of Upper Karnali or West Seti), then wouldn't it be wise for them to ask their proxy private sector to sell electricity to the Nepali market (since domestic demand is surely there) even as they appropriate the downstream benefits free of cost? Of course, ideally we need to be paid for the downstream benefits, but the scenario I mentioned looks better than what we current have -- exporting away our power as well as not getting paid for the downstream benefits. Why do you think the other side doesn't take the route that I just mentioned?

Best regards,
Paras Kharel

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nomination for "foot in mouth award" - UCPNM stoppage of hydropower projects

The ASS is nominated for "foot in mouth award" her/his asinine comments last week (NT # 521) about "stoppage of 14 hydroelectric projects that together would generate 5,000 MW" for effectively implying that the load shedding problem in Nepal will not be mitigated due to the stoppage. As most of these projects are dedicated for export, Nepal's load shedding problem will be impervious to these being built or not. Meaning load shedding problem in Nepal will not be solved even if these are to be built. These are being planned to be built to mitigate the load shedding problem across the border; in contravention of Nepal's constitution. Moreover, some are being undertaken to arrange water for irrigation in India during the dry season by impounding rain water in the reservoirs to be built which will inundate Nepal's fertile land, forest, tourist sites, existing infrastructure, etc. and also displace local populace. This arrangement too breaches constitutional provision and also ignores the precedents set by treaties between Canada and USA as well as Lesotho and South Africa.

Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Published in NT 522 if October 1-6, 2010