Thursday, February 10, 2011

RE: Water Electricity - a "crusade"

February 10, 2011
Dr Tilak Shrestha

Tilak ju

Thanks a lot for your sentiment with regards to “right person on the right job” which encourages me to continue with my crusade.

But I would like to point out that what I am doing, which has become a “crusade” for me, isn’t a job in the conventional sense of the term. In a job situation a person will be expected to perform certain duties in return for commensurate remuneration. But my “crusade” isn’t a job in this sense. I write in print media, make appearances in electronic media (TV and radio), deliver speeches in various programs, impart training on the captioned subject in various training programs and so on, on pro bono basis. As an exception, I get token remuneration for publishing in daily papers which don’t cover the cost in terms of the time that entails in writing such article and in conducting necessary research prior to putting pen to paper.

But I understand your sentiments and I also know that you didn’t mean it in the conventional sense.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Tilak Shrestha []
Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2011 11:54

Subject: {Disarmed} FW: {Disarmed} RE: Water Electricity

Ratna Sansar Ju



I am happy to note the right person on the right job.


Tilak Shrestha


Subject: RE: {Disarmed} RE: Water Electricity

Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2011 07:17:08 +0545

BTW I forgot to mention that I am the visiting professor for this course since 2005.

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