May 6, 2012
Bihari Krishna ShresthaKathmandu
Dear Bihari jee
Thanks a lot for following my writings.
Yes, the negative externalities of reservoir projects (manifest in inundation and involuntary displacement) should be commensurate to positive externalities (flood control and irrigation in Nepal as well as recompense India is willing to pay for the negative externalities suffered by Nepal).
With people a plenty in Nepal who think that building a storage project is like turning light at one’s home due to which some light is also spilled in the street, storage projects were on the anvil such that India stood to receive a flood control and irrigation benefits without lifting a finger. This now has started to change with West Seti planned to be built as a multipurpose project. The people India who expected to receive flood control and irrigation benefit for no cost will now start studying Prabhu commission report and plan how to ensure that they only have to pay very little, just a token amount. In my considered opinion, this will be a good start. The important part is the acknowledgement of downstream benefit, which so far Indians have been refusing to acknowledge, when hydrocracy in Nepal was ready to “spill light in Indian streets.”
Naumure is a very small project. For India Koshi high Dam is a matter of “do or die” as the life of Koshi barrage has already expired and one big cloud burst in the catchment area could wash even Patna away. The challenge lies in prepping up hydrocracy in Nepal.
With best regards,
Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst
From: Bihari Shrestha []
Sent: Saturday, May 5, 2012 22:46
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: Principle propounded for reservoir project
Dear Ratnajee,
Thank you for the write up on West Seti. The issues are very well-argued. Your suggestions regarding Naumure and Koshi high dam are particularly useful; it clearly states what should be the stance of the politicians and officisls while deciding on those projects in not too distant a future. Your suggestion that the capacity of those projects should be based on the consideration of Nepal's own need plus India's willingness to pay for the benefits is particularly helpful in terms of clarifying where Nepal's interest lay. Thank you again for sharing the article with me.
Just one curiosity: Do you think the decision on West Seti would now build new pressure on India to undertake the Naumure project with some urgency. Othersise, it never seems to leave the talking shop.
Warm regards
----- Original Message -----
From: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 6:47 PM
Subject: Principle propounded for reservoir project
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