May 15, 2012
Subject: RE: [NNSD] I am Nepal
Every word from Leela Manijee manifests the truth that people are trying their level best to evade.
Excepting for a few ethnocentric communities, most of the ethnocentric communities have a few elites (1%) while 99% could hardly be described as elite. Besides, only a few of those who could be called elites have become a person that could be described as an elite due to the largesse bestowed by the state, while most have done so by dint of their sheer dedication, hard work and after making many a sacrifice, themselves or their families.
With best regards,
Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst
From: [] On Behalf Of LeelaMani Paudyal
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 16:43
Subject: Re: [NNSD] I am Nepal
Dear vijayaji, anil ji and all
Although I was not in a mood to respond to anyone who have invested wisdom to prove their intellectual calibre, I could not stop myself when I read anil ji and vijayaji. I salute vijayaji and anil ji both and I do share similar sentiments as you both have expressed here in this platform.
I was born and brought up in the mid hill of the western part of nepal. My father is now 79 and mother too at the same age, who are still working in agriculture field and feeding cattles just not for fun but for their livelihood. As far as I know, my latest 9th generation is living there and have never occupied any public position, forget about getting benefit from state power. Presently, from my current position, I am fortunate to share my views on a global platform as this and write comments in my poor English although many of my childhood colleagues are struggling hard in some Arab countries and others in Indian cities as Darbans, domestic servants and Chaukidars majority of them are Brahmins and chettris. I am the first generation government post holder, formal or informal, in my entire 9 generations and came here facing lots of hardships and difficulties. Under such circumstances, I feel disheartened when I am classified as rulling pahade elite or migrant (as against indigenous) and my family is debarred from any quota and reservation system because I have the family name" title" that is categorized as a ruling privileged class. I am not intending to share my personal life here with any expectations or privileges but would like to shares with you all a story that matches hundreds of thousands Nepalese who are deprived of basic life amenities but still fall under the category of ruling elite? What reactions would they have once they understand the very fact that they are unevenly treated considering them as the privileged racial group? I have travelled across 70 districts of the country and have seen abject poverty among brahmins and chettries too. Definitely Dalits are deprived from basic services due to untouchability, but for others, I doubt that discrimination was based on ethnicity.
I am still unable to understand the rationales, justifications and circumstances that any family has to sacrifice for other who never have hold any position in government in the past and no any privilege he or she has received in the past from the state? How can we categorize such people as privileged ruling elites? Someone can respond to this as an individual case but what if similar conditions arises for hundreds of thousands of families? Please allow me to ask a question to those who blame all brahmin and chettries as a ruling elite being a Brahmin or a Pahadi. What have my ancestors really done to deprive any of you of getting fair share of state power and resources so that my children and I have to compensate you and your children?
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