Saturday, November 24, 2012

President's call under Article 38(1) of Interim Constitution.

What president did yesterday was too little too late. Simply because no consensus would be reached without BRB and his cronies agreeing to it and they are unlikely to agree to any “consensus” that will evict from the position they are in. They will continue to higgle-haggle, dillydally till the time for budget for next fiscal year by when president will be forced to promulgate another budget ordinance and so on and so forth.

He should have taken this step on or around 15th Jestha (almost 6 months back) instead of promulgating all those ordinances including one that will ensure remuneration and perquisites to himself when he demits his present office. With him promulgating full budget he will no more be able to refuse to promulgate any ordinance, including nonessential ones from now onwards.

I will be highly surprised if BRB and his cronies were to agree to a “consensus” that will force them out of their plum position of power and pelf. If they do that then I would have to review my opinion of them and consider that they too are concerned for our motherland.

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