Thursday, March 29, 2012

RE: West Seti getting dragged into controversy unnecessarily

March 29, 2012

To: 'Shambhu Upadhyay'

Shambhu jee

We haven’t won the war. We have just won one battle. We still need to fight more battles to ensure that projects like Upper Karnali and Arun III are built in Nepal’s interest.

I am making a presentation about upper Karnali project next Tuesday at City Hall (Rashtriya Sabha Griha). Time: 2 PM to 5 PM.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Shambhu Upadhyay []
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 22:26
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: RE: West Seti getting dragged into controversy unnecessarily

Dear Sansar Jee,

Thank you very much for your valuable note on West Seti.

Your alalysis is right to more extent but the awarwness among the people has increased significantly too.Yesterday they were opposing the project but today in the new scenerio, they are fighting in behalf of the project ,the evidance of which were the voices that we heard from the local represantatives gathered in Bhansa Griha.Further, we read a lot infavour of this project in daily news media too. It means that they have developed the capacity to analyse its merit and demerit and act accordingly.After rectifying procudural mistake ,I am confident that the project will go ahead and it must be.

With regards,

S. P. Upadhyay

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