Friday, December 10, 2010

RE: "Fall back" PPA

December 10, 2010
Mr Leela Mani Paudyal
PMO, Government of Nepal

Yes, Leela Manijee

The government of which you are a secretary and I am a tax payer has taken “loan to build transmission lines just to facilitate power supply out at throw away price and remain ourselves in dark”.

And, also unfortunately, you are right that successive governments of Nepal have been ignoring “lower riparian benefits of augmented flow of water, water rights, control over reservoirs, flood control.” Even Supreme Court has sanctioned all this! At times when I get very frustrated and highly angered what I say, begging your pardon for using rather strong words, is that the governments are raping Nepal’s law and Nepal’s resources in the service of foreigners and Supreme Court has actively helped governments to do so.

Thanks a lot for echoing my question with implicit agreement: “who can be more fool then we Nepalese are in the earth!”

I am outside the government and you are inside it. Both of us are in agreement about these issues. I hope the likes of us will be able to do something; starting with “educating” people except for those who stand to benefit from establishing ourselves as fools.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: LeelaMani Paudyal []
Sent: Thursday, December 9, 2010 22:56
Subject: {Disarmed} FW: "Fall back" PPA
we took loan to build transmission lines just to facilitate power supply out at throw away price and remain ourselves in dark, forget about lower riparian benefits of augmented flow of water, water rights, control over reservoirs, flood control. who can be more fool then we Nepalese are in the earth?

--- On Thu, 9/12/10, Ratna Sansar Shrestha wrote:

From: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: FW: "Fall back" PPA
To: "Ratna Sansar Shrestha"
Received: Thursday, 9 December, 2010, 10:07 AM

NEA has signed “fall back” PPAs for Balephi project, 50 MW and Upper Marsyangdi II, 600 MW in Kartik 2067. Kantipur reported about the signing of PPA with former on 19th Marga and it was reported that the tariff is Rs 4.27 per unit. But the media is yet to report about the signing of fall back PPA for the latter.

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