Everyone agrees that the water resource is Nepal’s wealth in abundance that has not been fully tapped. Following the formulation of the Hydropower Development Policy, 1992 and promulgation of two Acts related to this policy, a number of hydropower projects are undergoing construction at the moment. This is forcing the investors, developers, regulatory agencies, legal experts, advocates of development of Nepal’s hydropower within and without Nepal, politicos and last but not least a few men in the streets of urban Nepal to climb the steep learning curves.
This has galvanised people into action to diagnose the ailment and to make prognosis of what will happen. Both of these leading to prescription as to what needs to be done. The present endeavour is one of the attempts to make a stab at coming up with recommendations as to what needs to be done. The success or failure of such prescription can be tested only against time. However, thorough discussion of such proposed measures will afford refinement of the proposal and it will greatly enhance the efficacy of such changes. Therefore, I am banking a lot of hopes on the workshop for assistance in refining the recommendations for improvement.
Improvement is a continuous process, especially with something like “law” which is highly dynamic. This attempt represents just a small step towards initiating the process of improvement. I am deeply indebted to all those who contributed to this study by agreeing to meet me and share the ideas and compare notes with me. USAID deserves sincere thanks for sponsoring this study and giving me the privilege to conduct it. The roles played by EDC, FNCCI and Private Electricity Project are of no less importance and I am very thankful to them. However, I am fully responsible for any inadvertent errors and omissions.
Wishing the hydropower development in Nepal an unmitigated success,
Tuesday, 16 June, 1998 Ratna Sansar Shrestha
This is the"preface" written for report on the Study of Legal Framework and Institutional and Regulatory Process for the Development of Private Power Projects in Nepal , prepared in the capacity of the Legal Specialist, in June 1998. A set of four separate working papers were presented in a one-day workshop on “Legal and Institutional Framework for Hydropower Development in Nepal” based on the above study, in June 1998
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