April 23, 2011
Dear colleagueGood to hear from you. Thanks for your suggestion regarding publication of this article in "national paper". Looks like you didn't read the article fully. Because at the end of the article I have mentioned that it was published in national daily Gorkhapatra of 5th Baisakh.
Only ignoramuses will make negative comments about "opinion poll survey" (janamat sarbekshan) because if it is properly structured and effectively implemented, it can effectively depict what people feel about a specific issue like a few drops of blood can tell what is happening to all the blood in a person's body.
In the 3 provinces that I have proposed each province will have Himal, pahad and tarai and will also include many more things. Most importantly, state restructuring on these lines will ensure that Nepal isn't embroiled in ethnic dispute/wars that ethnocentric provincilization of Nepal will entail.
With best regards,
Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 10:06
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: FW: Risks of provincialization on ethnocentric lines
Dear sir,
I just read your article, its really important and represents view of intellectual nepali peoples.
Why not to publish it in national paper so everybody sould read it.
Little comments though i am not even like nursary class...
- "Ganamat Sangraha" may not be digestive to very political minds before Jestha 14, 12PM. Unfortunately, peoples may start to smell something else in this though it's very rational. More sweet : may be something like this...."Janamat Sangra bata aayeko jasto ta hoina..."
- The last part of the artical about the states based on River basins and hydropower resources like Koshi, Gangaki, Karnali may not be complete in all aspects as there are other resources also like Himal, Pahad, tarai, I think its time to unite nation not to divide on any reasons, but restructing is required, so a common rational guideline of restructuing regions could be
- Rational distribution of resources
- Equal footing for all casts
- Equal ground for all migrants and non-migrants
- Controlable from the infrastructrure and land connectivity and land resources
- what else
Sir, just take it as a case study what comes in the perception of a child mind like me.
On 4/18/11, Ratna Sansar Shrestha
> Dear Colleague
> I have ventured to write an article on the captioned subject which can be accessed by clicking the link below:
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