Friday, September 11, 2009

Re: Fwd: Fw: My article on federalism

August 24, 2009
Mr B Shrestha
Nobody arrives in this world full of knowledge. Education itself is enriching one’s knowledge from another’s experience and exposure. All the books we read are based on experience and exposure of other people. I can say this definitively as I have been teaching for almost 40 years. I fully agree that nobody should be misguided to think that what that person knows “is the only truth in the world.” On the other hand people also need to know how to relate what s/he has learnt from others to the ground reality. No truth is absolute truth as things tend to be different based on time, place and circumstance. Finally, knowledge is dynamic, not static and, therefore, a person needs to learn to temper what s/he has learnt based on time, place and circumstance.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha,

From: [] On Behalf Of B. Shrestha
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 17:20
Subject: [NESOCA Mail #2950] Re: Fwd: Fw: My article on federalism

I believe in learning things from others’ experiences too. If you think it is wrong to take lessons from others’ experiences but you think what you know and believe is the only truth in the world then I have nothing add.

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Baburaja Shakya <> wrote:

रत्नसंसारज्यूको स्पष्ट र मुखभरीको जवाफले धेरैजनाको चित्त बुझाएको हुनुपर्छ। अरुको भनाईको आधारमा आफुलाई सहि साबित गर्न खोज्नु वौद्धिक दिवालियापन हो। बाबुराजा

Subject: [NESOCA Mail #2936] Re: Fwd: Fw: My article on federalism
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 06:59:49 +0545

I know Mahendra Lawoti very well and do read his writings. The last I heard of, he was settled aboard. I am not aware if he has come back. Excuse my ignorance.

Two things I don’t do. One, dignify the allegation of being “followers of Khas chauvinists” by responding to it. Two, I don’t form my opinion based on what others say, whether such things are “illusive myth” or not. I say and write based on what I see, experience and feel.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha

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