Monday, February 6, 2012

Invest to implement upper Karnali project

February 6, 2012
Dear colleague

Good to hear from you.
No need to be confused. The proponents of the Society (I am merely a well wisher) are confident that there will be enough opportunity for all to invest. In order to implement upper Karnali project to its full potential as a storage project, 4,180 MW, the investment required will be about Rs 300 billion (ball park figure – which will be finalized after completion of DPR) and if 3:1 debt to equity ratio is adopted, equity required will be Rs 100 billion. Without undermining financial capability of the people from the area, I believe that it will not be possible to raise the required equity from the area only.

Therefore, if you sign up (in the signature campaign) it will strengthen the hands of GoN to convert it from a single purpose project (900 MW) to multipurpose storage project (4,180 MW). You can also become a member by paying Rs 100 (minimum), by doing which you will become an investor too when a project company is eventually incorporated.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 14:35
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Cc: Jwajalapa Yahoogroups

Subject: Re: FW: Signature campaign

Dear Ratna Sansar ju,

It made me confused from the statement "(2) with the investment of the people therefrom to the extent possible which doesn’t preclude investment from other Nepali citizens and even foreign investment.", if this is the fact how it will help by signing the campaign, I mean it should be of specifically people from the Karnali Basin.


Desh Raj Sonyok said...

I am carefully following your post regarding Karnali basin development. Is there any documents available online and the option for online signup?

Unknown said...