Saturday, November 27, 2010

RE: FW: [NNSD] Prateek Pradhan's article in Himal Khabar Patrika

November 25, 2010
Mr Shailendra Sigdel


Glad that you are in agreement with me. Even when NC was out of power, the unrestrained/unregulated economic liberalization started by it was continued by the parties professing communism (including UCPNM) and Panchayati parties proclaiming to be proponents of mixed economy. Only lip service was paid to communism, socialism and mixed economy during past two decades. All of them have messed up the economy of the country and we are having political fallouts galore.

I just hope people will wake up soon and take corrective actions before we are forced to declare a failed state. People like you and me should sound the clarion call for the purpose.

But we have two types of serious problems: denial and stonewalling. The author of the article is in denial about all this and he wrote the piece as an apologist of NC. Then look at this forum (NNSD) which didn’t post my write up. They simply resorted to stonewalling. You received it as I had sent it directly to you. Without changing this we will not be able to change much. But I am not a type to give up easily and I hope and trust that you too won’t give up without a fight.
With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, FCA
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: Shailendra Sigdel []
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 20:14
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: FW: [NNSD] My article in Himal Khabar Patrika

Dear Shrestha jee
I concur with your comments. I think NC is solely responsible for current misgovernace. Remember they were in power most of the time after 2046. It is because of misgovernance of the country, Maoist movement was spreading like wildfire in 10 years. Have we been successful in economic front, it would have been difficult for Maoist party to have its influence. I fully agree with your comments on NC. I also regard B P Koirala as a great leader. Sadly his principle was grossly neglected by leaders.
Thanks for shairng your views


2010/11/23 Ratna Sansar Shrestha


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