Monday, October 5, 2009

Hindu & Buddhist

Ratna Sansar Shrestha

One, all Newars are not Hindus; nor is Buddhism a part of Hinduism. It amounts to denial of diversity within the ethno-cultural-linguist group that is famed over the world as Newars. Instead of denying the diversity we should learn to be proud of it. Newa history and culture is very rich because of this very diversity.

Two, it is good idea to try to abolish what you have called the stratification within Newars. I fully support it. But people will have to remember that with the abolition of it, the diversity too will be eliminated. I am unsure whether it will be good or not so good for Newa identity. Further, such things have the tendency to change over time gradually and generally it is not possible to change by just wishing it away. Just look at communist in general and Maoists in particular, who are supposed to be atheists but most of them have failed to change. It is interesting (depending on the perspective, may be distressing) to note that quite a few of Maoists leaders have converted to Christianity instead.

However, it is indeed heartwarming to note that compared to times when I was a kid, Newars have opened up more than other people in terms of dehumanizing practices of untouchability.

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