Sunday, August 29, 2010

My article in NT #517

August 29, 2010

Prof. Suresh Raj Chalise M.B.E.

Dear Dr Chalise

Thanks for sending in your comments and your encouraging words.

My analysis is based on empirical analysis conducted by ministers and bureaucrats of Bhutan itself. But very many people in Nepal behave like ostriches – put their head in sand and refuse to believe the ground reality.

I fully agree with you on “free lunch” and external assistance. But Nepal’s “aid industry” pretend not to understand all these as they are getting to pocket a big chunk of such aid or benefit in various other ways directly or indirectly from the aid industry.

With best regards,


Ratna Sansar Shrestha, fca
Senior Water Resource Analyst

From: suresh chalise []
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 13:38
To: Ratna Sansar Shrestha
Subject: Re: My article in NT #517

Dear Ratna Sansarji

Once again a very succint analysis and citique of the Bhutan model. I fully agree with you. We Nepalis must realise that we have to develop our resources ourselves in accordance with our priorities and needs. We have to work hard and not expect others to provide us prosperity and development. We might have friends but each and every one has his/her own self interest in mind while helping us. There is nothing like free lunch in external assistance, including those from the UN, The World Bank and the likes.

Thank you, once again, for articulating so well and continuing your relentless effort to educate us.

With very best wishes

Yours Ever
Prof. Suresh Raj Chalise M.B.E.

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